Our clinic is dedicated to the protection of our patients’ information. This policy explains why, when, and how we disclose your information. All staff members who encounter your personal information are aware of the sensitive nature of the information and they are all trained in the appropriate uses and protection of your information.
We collect information such as your name, home address, telephone number(s), and email address. This is collected for a variety of purposes including the following:
We collect information about health (both physical and mental), family history, and dental history. This may be used in part to assist us in diagnosing dental conditions, to provide appropriate treatment, and may be disclosed:
Our office will not, under any circumstances, supply your insurer with your confidential medical history. In the event this kind of a request is made, we will forward the information directly to you for review, and for your specific consent. When unusual requests are received, we will contact you for permission to release such information. We may also advise you if such a release is inappropriate.
We may collect and disclose information for the facilitation of payment of treatment.
If consideration to sell this practice ever occurs, any qualified potential purchasers may be granted access as part of the due diligence process in order to verify information related to the sale. If this ever occurs, we will take necessary steps to ensure that the prospective purchaser protects any personal information, as we have done.
The Dental College that overseas our clinic regulates all professionals in the area and as part of their regulatory function reserves the right to inspect our records and interview our staff.
By engaging with this website, you hereby authorize and consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of any information submitted through our website, phone conversations, or in office visits. You may withdraw your consent for use or disclosure of your personal information, and we will explain the ramifications of that decision, and the process.
We understand the importance of protecting your personal information. Should you have any questions, please contact our clinic with the attention: Privacy Officer.
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